Jul 05 2018
Product spotlight: Dry-Flo®

Testing Offshore Asset Fire Protection is an Expensive but Necessary Process, Dry-Flo® Makes Deluge Testing more Cost Effective; Faster, Safer and Protects Assets Far Longer than Conventional Testing Methods.
Deluge systems need to be maintained and regularly tested. Conventional wet testing proves a necessary evil for operators as by its very nature it accelerates the deterioration of system equipment. The personnel required to undertake testing and general maintenance of the system can also be costly and attribute to lengthy non-productive time.
Paradigm has created a solution to this issue by designing an innovative patented deluge testing technology that alleviates the maintenance and costs associated with wet testing. Dry-Flo® limits wet testing to an initial potable water flush and wash down followed by system drying to establish a master result. Future tests are then carried out using conditioned air at low pressure, these results are marked against the original master to deem it fully compliant. This patented technology allows the client to test anytime without affecting any operations or impacting the deluge system. The results offer operators empirical evidence, repeated over time and in documented form. The Dry-Flo® deluge testing system is fully operational and fit-for-purpose and offers 100% reliable deluge systems.
Dry-Flo® is DNV-GL verified and Paradigm is the only company offering this inspection regime using air testing on deluge systems.
Paradigm provides an installation service and remote support so that the Dry-Flo® system is permanently installed. Paradigm contributes the deluge system preparation during the asset design phase. The system is then installed during the construction phase and commissioned prior to operational readiness. By training the regular asset operations team to operate the user-friendly system, it immediately eliminates the need for bagging and cleaning operations and significantly reduces future system interventions for cleaning and attending to corrosive issues. The permanent system can also be retrofitted on most deluge systems.
Paradigm also have a portable system that can be used on assets that do not have the capacity for such an installed system or that are already in operation.
We estimate that Dry-Flo® is 30% cheaper and 60% quicker than wet testing (like-for-like) and system maintenance is reduced by over 40% over the design life of an asset, offering a typically short payback period on the installed system, thus saving millions of dollars for operators worldwide.